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work with me personally…

Nutrition Therapy is an intervention to prevent or eliminate health issues of any kind. Said health issues and symptoms that may be caused or intensified by unhealthy eating habits, poor quality food, environmental influences, modern agriculture and food manufacturing. 

If you would like to know about my academic qualifications, scroll all the way down, I listened them there. 

Food is something very personal, cultural and we all have different tastes (thank goodness!). Nutrition Science is discovering more and more every year, we live in very interesting times. The combination of personal preferences, budget, science and individual needs make nutrition counselling interesting and challenging at the same time. 

That is why personal counselling can be very beneficial to your health. Here is a list of things we will be doing:

  • intake forms and questionnaires

  • food diary

  • lab work (I can make recommendations if we do not live in the same country)

  • at first I will give you one to three topics to work on

  • we schedule meetings or calls every few weeks, depending on your needs

  • personalised supplementation

  • food lists and recommendations 

In nutrition therapy we do not count calories – we make sure the food and its nutrients are of high quality. Health happens on a cellular level and all we do is figure out what YOUR cells need and how to get those nutrients into them. We determine possible allergies or sensitivities, detox you from toxins that are lingering in your cells. We come up with a long term plan and adjust it where needed. Nutrition Therapy is not linear, adjustments are always necessary as we discover new things about your health, your digestion. Some health issues only come up as we start working and peel back the layers. 

It is a process. Luckily food is very fun and diverse. While there will be certain food you may not eat again ever, there are so many more you will discover and love. 

who can benefit from nutrition therapy?

everyone who wants to take their health into their own hands. 

Maybe you have a diagnosis or certain symptoms or ailments that need resolving. With nutrition therapy we create balance in your body – no matter the diagnosis – the underlying cause usually is the imbalance due to food allergies, absence of nutrients, stress, inflammation… to be more specific, all these health issues can benefit from nutrition therapy:

  • any digestive issues (bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, acid reflux…)

  • autoimmune issues

  • thyroid issues

  • acne

  • joint pain

  • eczema

  • migraines

  • infertility

  • obesity

  • sleep issues

  • hormonal imbalances

  • diabetes

  • Arthritis

  • cancer

  • chronic issues with your immune system 

Nutrition Therapy has a lot to do with education. You will learn a lot. I believe that if we know why something is happening or how it happens we are more likely to stick to it. If we KNOW BETTER – we DO BETTER. 

I do not live in Switzerland, can you still help me?

Absolutely. I do not need to see you physically. Facetime, Zoom, Skype… totally works. 

Since I have lived in the States for 10 years, I have a good understanding of the food availabilities, food politics and food sources there, I can make recommendations that will serve you. I still have access to labs and supplement companies in the States as well. I can hook you up! 

I have flexible work hours – the benefits of working for myself and from home. Don’t worry about time zones… we will find a time to meet. 

Send me an Email and we will get going!


My degrees:

  • Master Nutrition Therapist, Nutrition Therapy Institute (NTI), Denver CO, February 2017

  • Nutrition Therapy Practitioner, Nutrition Therapy Institute, Denver CO, 2014 

  • Holistic Nutrition Consultant, College of Natural Medicine, California, 2009 

  • Laboratory Technologist, Switzerland, 2002

  • Veterinary technician, Switzerland, 1999

Continued education/seminars

  • Microbiome Mastery, Foundations Course, Tom Fabian, PhD, CNTP, January, 2017

  • Metagenics Seminar, Solutions for Women’s Wellness: A Functional Approach, July 9th 2016, Westminster Colorado, USA

  • GMO Symposium 2016, 20 Years of Genetic Engineering: Knowledge Gaps in GMO-Risk Assessments and the Missing Research Agenda in Agroecology. November 10th 2016, Bern, Switzerland 

  • Seeds of Doubt Conference: Solutions for a Global Concern, October 11th 2014, Broomfield Colorado, USA

  • MTHFR & Methylation Practitioner Training, with Coleen Walsh the Methyl-Queen, 2014

  • Seeds of Doubt Conference: Solutions for a Global Concern, June 9th 2012, Broomfield Colorado, USA

want to hear more from me?

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Ernährungstherapie Nadia Negro


 In meinem Content geht es um ganzheitliche Gesundheit, Futter, ätherische Öle, Lebensmittelpolitik, big picture things und eventuell Kaffee. Schau rein und entscheide mit jeder E-Mail für bleiben oder "unsubscribe". 


love, nadia

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